Saturday, May 23, 2009

Volcano Vaporizer Review

The Volcano is a shapely, brushed-metal marijuana vaporizer that is made by the German-based company Storz & Bickel. It looks like a little robot and costs about $539 (depending on the model purchased). It is perhaps the most well-known vaporizer on the market, but it is also the most expensive. I often get asked if it is worth the price. My answer is that if you can afford it you should get it, but if you can't, buy the Oxygen Mini.

The Volcano has a reputation that justifies its high price tag. Clinical studies indicate that the Volcano is extremely efficient at extracting THC from cannabis. Some studies suggest the Volcano can extract as much as 80% of the THC content from the plant, which is much higher than the 25% extracted from smoking a typical joint. Extra THC means a more potent "high." Plus, vaporizing doesn't produce the harmful carcinogens that are created by combustion so it is a lot healthier.

You will either love or hate the Volcano, I think. It depends on whether you like the delivery system (which involves inhaling vapors from a filled balloon). It also depends on whether you have enough supply to fill the chamber. The Volcano has a larger chamber than most "vapes." You have to plug the unit into an outlet, so you will be using it primarily indoors. Plus, it is not very portable, so if you do invest in the Volcano, you will need to buy a smaller vape for car trips.

To find out more, visit the Storz & Bickel website: Storz and Bickel

Monday, May 11, 2009

How to Get Your Medical Marijuana Card in California: 6 Easy Steps

There are six steps to getting your medical marijuana card in California. If you get your card, law enforcement will be able to call a 1-800 number to verify that you are legal. Being "legal" means that you are not subject to arrest for possession, transportation, delivery, or cultivation of medical marijuana in an amount established pursuant to California statute. After you are legal, you may posses 8 ounces of dried marijuana. In addition, you may simulaneously grow and possess 6 mature plants. Your card is good for a year and then you must renew it.

1. Find a doctor close to you that is willing to prescribe marijuana. You should ask your regular physician first to save money. If not, plan on pre-paying about $180 for a visit to a "pot-doc." A pot-doc is a physician who is openly empathetic to patients who want to be prescribed marijuana for their medical symptoms or pain. The doctor will determine whether you are eligible. Eligibility depends on whether a) you have a serious medical condition, and b) the use of marijuana is appropriate. (Note: Most people qualify under #6 or #12 below).

A serious medical condition is:
(1) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
(2) Anorexia.
(3) Arthritis.
(4) Cachexia.
(5) Cancer.
(6) Chronic pain.
(7) Glaucoma.
(8) Migraine.
(9) Persistent muscle spasms, including, but not limited to,
spasms associated with multiple sclerosis.
(10) Seizures, including, but not limited to, seizures associated
with epilepsy.
(11) Severe nausea.
(12) Any other chronic or persistent medical symptom that either:

(A) Substantially limits the ability of the person to conduct one
or more major life activities as defined in the Americans with
Disabilities Act of 1990 (Public Law 101-336).
(B) If not alleviated, may cause serious harm to the patient's
safety or physical or mental health.

2. Collect medical records as written documentation of your condition and give them to your doctor before the appointment. Attend your appointment and get a doctor's report.

3. Select a "primary caregiver." To find a caregiver (or dispensary), you can start by visiting NORML or THCF Foundation's websites. Some caregivers have stores (dispensaries) and some are delivery services. There may be long-term care facilities in your area. If you live near Fresno, this blog maintains a list of local doctors and caregivers.

4. Submit an application to your County Health Department. You must pay a fee with your application and provide all of the following: 1) name and proof of county residency, 2) your doctor's report saying you have a "serious" condition, 3) name and contact info of doctor, 4) name of primary caregiver, and 5) copy of photo id of you and your caregiver.

5. Receive your medical marijuana card.

6. Go shopping for your first sack or start growing!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Vaporizing Marijuana is a More Potent way to Absorb the THC than Smoking

There are many different ways that medical marijuana can be injested - the most popular are smoking, eating, tincturing, and vaporizing. Out of all the methods, vaporization is the best way to unlock the potent, medicinal properties of cannabis.

The fact that marijuana is smoked has been an obstacle to its being approved as a medicine. Cannabis vaporization elimates the lung problems associated with smoking. The process involves heating the cured plant to a temperature where vapors are produced but combustion does not occur.

Vaporization results in a more effective delivery and potent intake of cannabanoids. A 2004 study comparing vaprization with smoking found that the combustion of cannabis resulted in the production of a hundred different chemicals that were not present when vaporizing. (Dale Gieringer, Efficient Delivery of THC with Effective Suppression of Pyrolytic Compounds, Journal of Cannabis Therapeudics, Vol.4(1) 2004.)

Many different types of vaporizers are currently popular. The best known and possibly most expensive is the $539 Volcano Vaporizer made by Storz & Bickel, a company based in Germany. The Volcano is powered by a ceramic heating unit and heat vent. Hot air blown through the vent heats cannabis which has been inserted into a chamber. The Volcano can recover about 50-80% of the THC present in a sample of marijuana.

For more information about vaporizer studies: